and z and a0...an are all complex expressions, show that (1) must be factorable into the following form:

Where b1...bn are also complex numbers.
I guess one way to start is by showing that if bx is a solution to (1), then any arbitrary (z-bx) divides evenly into (1). First substitute bx into (1) and solve for a0:
Now divide P by z-bx to arrive at the following:
Substitute a0 by the result in (3) to obtain:

Which can be rearranged into:
Which shows that any z-bx will divide evenly into all terms of the quotient in (6). Now, using (3),
So z-bx also divides into P. Since this is true for any bx, we can say that
Q is the remainder which, when multiplied with the divisor D in (8), will provide a fully factored expression for P, i.e. QD = P. To find Q, note that a sequence of products such as found in D can be expanded as follows:

Everything about this solution seemed to go smoothly until, unfortunately, the key moment when I had to figure out wtf happened to an. I am not very happy that an did not arise naturally but instead had to be artificially multiplied in to (9) based on examination of (1): it seems too much like I am using my guilty knowledge of what the answer is supposed to be and then jerry-rigging the solution accordingly. On the other hand, since zn has a coefficient of 1 in (9), I suppose that you could always factor out the term an with the result that that coefficient becomes 1/an. It still seems shitty and I'd be grateful if anyone knows how to go through these steps in a way that an pops up naturally as a coefficient for zn. Another potentially much more serious problem with the whole thing is that it doesn't use any of the properties of complex numbers. Which is troubling.
I apologize for the tininess of most of the inline math, it's ridiculously hard to read. Blogspot's image upload system is pretty crappy (as is their too-small text window, grah!). But the only alternative I have is to basically buy another box and start up my own, fully customizable blogging engine which would just take too much work. Oh, if there was just a way to upload these things as inline-viewable PDFs!
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