Sunday, December 21, 2008

Exercise 2.4

Exercise 2.4.  Show that the projective representation of a hyperbolic straight line may be obtained from the conformal representation of a hyperbolic straight line by expansion from the center by a factor of M, and that:


Above is a conformal pro jection on a minor circle c, with radius r , that we project onto a projective representation on the great circle C, which has radius R and origin O. Let rc be the Euclidean distance from O to any point on the conformal repreesentation on C , and let b be the Euclidean distance from rc to its corresponding point on the pro jective representation, so that the additive Euclidean distance from O to any point on the projective representation is b + rc. Let M be the expansion factor from the Euclidean conformal distance to the Euclidean projective distance, so that:


Now, it is evident from the similarity of the two triangles that:

The problem is how to restate d in terms of R, rc,  and b.  Given that the segment extending from O and joining d is equal to R, by the Pythagorean Theorem we know that 

So we rewrite the previous expression as 

And solve for b:

With this we can rewrite (1) and solve for M:

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